
Engineering simulation software for academic teaching and research applications.
Linux and Windows
The license manager is hosted by IT Procurement and Licensing Solutions.
There is a license restriction that prohibits the use of ANSYS Without the VPN. In order to use Ansys you must be connected to the VT VPN (please see for information on setting up the VPN).
Licensing Process
Access to the license can be obtained through software sales. See Purchasing Details (on the top right of this page) for more information. The faculty purchasing the package or a designated person from the research group purchasing the software is given administrative rights to the group management tool that manages access to the ANSYS software.
Access to Software
Once your pid is added to a research group, you can access and install ANSYS through Network Software. The ANSYS network share and downloads also include Installation Notes for Windows and Linux operating systems as well as Documentation and Tutorials for ANSYS software.
For more information on this product, please visit the vendor’s web page.
For access, please contact Departmental Software.