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How to Purchase: Employee

On-campus Software Purchases:

  • Purchase products directly from the Software Service Center at the Torgersen Hall end of Torgersen Bridge.

Off-campus Software Purchases:

  1. Fill out the Order Form.
  2. Print out the order form and license agreement, if required, for your software.
  3. Fill out the order form and license agreement completely. If media is required, there will be a $7.50 charge for shipping & handling.
  4. Make a photocopy of your Virginia Tech ID Card (Hokie Passport). If you do not have a Virginia Tech ID, please make a photocopy of your driver's license.
  5. Make sure to include your home mailing address (we cannot ship to other addresses or PO boxes).
  6. Electronic signature confirmation is required.
  7. Send the forms and photocopy of your Virginia Tech ID Card (Hokie Passport) to Software Sales by either of the following methods:
            Mail to: 3240 Torgersen Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061
            Fax to: (540) 231-7634
  8. Send an e-mail to Employee Software to inform us of your incoming mail order.


Do not send a check! You will be billed for your software through the Bursar's office.
The 5% VA sales tax will be added to all orders.